Photographer, Bookseller, Naturalist

Manila (Quezon City) Pride, 2023

My first experience in Manila of what is now referred to as “Pride”. Held in Quezon City Memorial Circle, the same location where there is a large plant and flower market – a place I have visited as a horticulturalist.

The character of the event bears a lot of similarities to what one experiences in North America except with a few interesting differences. The parade and the outdoor activities are not dominated by the presence of large corporate sponsored events. Still mostly smaller food and drink related kiosks with a few tents for cultural or politically related organizations. The stage entertainment was mostly Philippine pop music alternating with speeches of support for the “community”.

Overall the people in attendance mostly very young indeed. In fact it struck me that I might well have been the oldest person there. Many younger people, both male and female showed a degree of welcoming friendliness not easily found in North America. I only spotted a handful of other gay foreigners. All the people photographed seemed happy to have the attention and probably designed their outfits for exactly that reason.

What might be somewhat “shocking” to western viewers? The sheer number of “ladyboys”, a unique Filipino twist on gender role phenomena. Almost no transvestites or transsexuals that I could see. All in all I found it altogether a playful, warm and friendly experience – without the tensions and fakery I felt or read about over the past decade or so in Canadian or American cities.